
Leadership From Within (Summit)

DO11Feb09:00DO21:00Leadership From Within (Summit)Positive Leadership in harten Zeiten!


Unser Mitglied Erika Kleestorfer wird auf dem globalen Oxford Leadership Online-Summit „Leadership From Within“ eine Session zum Thema „Positive Leadership“ leiten. Nachfolgend ihre persönliche Einladung an die Mitglieder und Interessentinnen des DamenLogistikClubs. Die Veranstaltung wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten.

Wir wünschen Erika Kleestorfer gutes Gelingen!

I hope this message finds you well. 2021 will be an important year for all of us. A year to hopefully come back to full swing, reorganize where needed and start innovative, new approaches where necessary.
To best support our clients at the beginning of this year, I am very honored to be speaking at the global virtual Oxford Leadership Summit “Leadership from Within” on February 11th, 2021. 
There will be a firework of 48 inspiring, thought-provoking, innovative and deeply touching sessions – from keynotes, panel to mini-workshops – all delivered by our international Oxford Leadership community. We will cover topics like: The power of belonging in a remote world, Power of culture, Leading virtual teams across cultures, Dealing with complexity, Rethinking feedback, Purpose of purpose, Meditation, Conscious leaders for a harmonious, sustainable future and MANY more.
I will be hosting a session on Positive Leadership and the powerful difference leaders can make when applying the right techniques, mindset and behavior. 

My session will be from 12:00 – 13:00 CET.

Detailliertes Programm und Anmeldung


11/02/2021 09:00 - 21:00(GMT+02:00)

Virtual Event Details

Event has already taken place!